Am comandat conectorii sa ii fac sotiei mele ceva ,
i-au placut f mult , atat de mult incat
a fost nevoita sa vanda bratara :))
e facuta din conectori negrii rotunzi
cu argintiu si perlute albe.
i-au placut f mult , atat de mult incat
a fost nevoita sa vanda bratara :))
e facuta din conectori negrii rotunzi
cu argintiu si perlute albe.
White Pearl Bracelet
This has a bit of a story behind ...
my wife loved those black connectors and
i orderd 10 of them to do something for
She was wearing the bracelet at work and
someone ask if is for sale
what do u think?...
White pearls and black round connectors.
price 5 euro (sold)
This has a bit of a story behind ...
my wife loved those black connectors and
i orderd 10 of them to do something for
She was wearing the bracelet at work and
someone ask if is for sale
what do u think?...
White pearls and black round connectors.
price 5 euro (sold)
e superba...ce mai:D
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